Monday, February 1, 2016

Trying New Genres

This last year I decided to try my hand at a brand new genre. I'd focused on Middle Grade and Young Adult Fantasy for years and I absolutely love writing them. It brings me joy. But sweet romances are my favorite movies to watch, and some of my favorites books to read, so I decided to give it a chance.

I'm hooked. I love writing adults and the conversation comes so much easier because I don't have to try to decide if a teen or a child would say what I wanted to say. I don't have to figure out how if there are female leprechauns (there aren't, by the way. Crazy, right?), or where Merlin lived. 

I do have to do my research on fashions, what New York City is like, and what different religions do with weddings. And on and on. 

Switching genres has helped me grow in so many ways as a writer. In fact, I just wrote out my first outline when I wrote a Christmas romance, and it amazed me how much easier it was to write with one. I still go back to winging it when it comes to my YA books, but at least now I'm comfortable with outlines. I wouldn't have been able to say that a year ago.

Having gone from one genre to another has made me interested in trying other new genres. Mysteries have always been a weakness for me. Mary Higgins Clark is at the top of my list. I believe I'm still a long way off from going there, but I'd like to at least try sometime.

I believe that the novel I wrote for NaNoWriMo last year helped push me in that direction a little more. I'd never written anything scary. Intense, yes. But I wrote a book that pushed me in ways I'd never expected. I hated that book for what it made me write, but I think it's one of my best. It told me that sometime down the road, there's a chance I could try a thriller. Once I'm willing to go back to that dark place again. 

So what genre is your favorite?

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