Monday, August 25, 2014

Back to School

Today is the first day back to school for my kids. Hooray! 

Various friends and family have already started while others won't start until after Labor Day. No matter when the kids return to hitting the books, moms have mixed feelings and a new day/routine begins. 

For those who home school, it means fitting in writing outside of learning time, for those of us using the public or private systems, it means prime writing hours.

All writers are different. Some work best at 2 am, while others let their fingers flyover the keys during early, midday, or late night hours. No matter when you write, it's all about balancing writing time with family, responsibilities, and chocolate. 

So, today, well tomorrow, is my day to set up a new writing routine and get down to brass tacks. I've found that I work best in 45 min sprints twice a day or to have a daily word count goal, which is usually 1000 words. 

Now, I know there are many writers out there shaking their heads and thinking, "That's shameful. I produce 10,000 words a day" or fit in whatever amazing number works.  And I applaud them. 

But in order for me to have balance in my life, that's where I'm at. 

So, today my husband is off, which means we can get back to having lunch dates while the kids are at school. And I'll put off the grocery shopping, laundry, and cleaning until tomorrow. And perhaps go buy a car as mine got totaled earlier this month. (Not my fault and we're all fine.) 

The biggest thing I've had to learn is that all days go awry. plans go out the window, and priorities have to be redone. Sometimes, volunteering at the school will trump writing, or visiting a friend in need, or your spouse's car will break down. 

Deep breath. The computer, characters, and muse will wait on standby until you can get to them. 

That or grab the nearest napkin and jot away! 

Happy back to school day! I need to reorganize my desk for optimal writing. 

How will school affect your writing routine? 

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